Your 1st Installment is schedule on 24 September
Your 2nd Installment is schedule on 24 October
Your 3rd Installment is schedule on 24 November
Your 4th Installment is schedule on 24 December
Your 5th Installment is schedule on 24 January
Your 6th Installment is schedule on 24 February
Your 7th Installment is schedule on 24 March
Your 8th Installment is schedule on 24 April
Your 9th Installment is schedule on 24 may
Your 10th Installment is schedule on 24 June
Your 11th Installment is schedule on 24 July
Your 12th Installment is schedule on 24 August
Purifying water using the traditional methods don’t remove soluable impurities like arsenic, floride, chemicals, salts, etc. from water. This is where SAMY RO Water Purifiers can help you out. SAMY RO Purifiers remove dissolved impurities but maintain essential minerals in purified water.
Premium Quality Products with Large Sales and Service Network
Honoured with Numerous Awards and Certifications
One of Most Trusted Brand in India